Wann hat Victoria Holmes Geburtstag? translates as When is Victoria Holmes' birthday?Victoria Holmes, children's author, celebrates her birthday on 17 July. She has declined to publicize the year of her birth.
Pets would have required care and feeding and such, things that Sherlock Holmes might not have had time or inclinations for. Perhaps it is better that he did not have any as they might have died from neglect. Watson would've had to take care of him/her, grumbling all the way at Holmes and his lack of caring.
Victoria Holmes attended Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts.
Victoria Holmes lives in London, England. You can find her on her Spring 2009 tour of America. Dates and locations are posted at warriorswish.net
Yes harry has a cat at home in Holmes Chaple called dusty
Victoria Holmes is a private individual, and her age is not publicly disclosed.
I don't know who the real Victoria Holmes is but I'm writing mysteries and my main characters wife's name is Victoria. That is really odd! ;)
Vicky does not have a website.
Yes her personal dog is Twiggy but her husband David also has Coco a bulldog!!
2 dogs