Mario Balotelli is 189 cm.
Mario Balotelli goes by Super Mario.
Mario Balotelli was born on August 12, 1990.
Mario Balotelli was born on August 12, 1990.
If you are asking about Mario Balotelli, he was born in 1990.
Mario Balotelli played for F.C Internazionale Milano team from the Italian Football League in 2010.
Mario Balotelli Wayne Rooney Dimitar Berbatov Ashley Cole Federico Macheda
Mario Balotelli plays as a striker for premier league team Manchester City.
Mario Balotelli's birth name was Mario Barwuah - he was born in Italy to Ghanaian immigrant parents who gave him up for adoption.
Mario Balotelli is Italian. He was born Mario Barwuah in Palermo, Italy of Ghanaian immigrant parents who gave him at the age of three to an Italian foster family.
Mario Balotelli