

Does Atkins increase creacne in urine?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Does Atkins increase creacne in urine?
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Initially upon losing weight with the Atkins diet your cholesterol will drop although if you continue on the diet after halting weight loss your cholesterol will drastically increase.

The following causes the body to increase urine production except salt coffee tea alcohol?

liquids and watery or wet foods increase urine production.

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Yes, menstruation can cause a temporary increase in urine pH due to the presence of blood in the urine. However, this increase is usually minimal and should not have a significant impact on overall urinary pH levels. If you have concerns about changes in your urine pH, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation.

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Glucose levels in urine typically increase after meals when blood glucose levels rise. Glucose excretion in urine is typically higher when blood glucose levels are elevated, such as in uncontrolled diabetes.

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Refrigeration can potentially cause a decrease in urine specific gravity due to the effects of low temperatures on dissolved solutes in the urine, which can lead to crystallization or precipitation. On the other hand, refrigeration can also cause an increase in urine specific gravity if there is evaporation of water, concentrating the urine. Overall, the impact of refrigeration on urine specific gravity may vary depending on the specific composition of the urine and the conditions of refrigeration.

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Causes an increase in the glucose level of the urine, which is known as Glycosuria

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A group of drugs used to increase urine output.