Yes and no. Yes in the sense that money arguments involve amounts few others will ever see, and no in that the market dictates player salaries etc.
just thought i'd mention that some footballers earn more in a week than some nurses earn in a year
alex rodriguez
It depends.
They get paid for each game they play.
2000000000 a day
It depends on who the money was paid to and how much money was paid.
A starting sports photographer doesn't get paid anything. He or she is called a "Sports Intern" and works for a newspaper to get experience and clippings to put in a portfolio, but no money. And...that's how everyone who's a sports photographer got started.
Ihave no idea
how much do bricklayers get paid? they get paid around £29,976-£34,529 a year
¢700 is how much a accountant gets paid