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I know Lance Armstrong has ran a marathon, it was either Boston or New York(cant exactly remebmer)

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Q: Do any famous people like to run cross country?
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How do cross countr boots look like?

well, cross country shoes are like soccer shoes basically, because on the bottom they both have the same things. Its just that cross country shoes are like normal athletic shoes like Nike running shoes. :)

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Famous people like cheese because it is good. also, because sometimes it is yellow and famous people like the color yellow. Some famous people who like cheese are Miley Cyrus and demi lavoto.

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Mainly,the red cross like giving people aid. They like saving people in dangerous positions and they are my hero. :D

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No, because it is n ot a proper nou n.

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Famous people like Posiedon are Greek gods

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Why do people assume that cross country is not an important sport?

People do not see it as so because they do not like running. Running is on of the hardest things to do. Cross Country and Track (distance) are the hardest sports in the world because you need discipline, mental toughness, endurance, and speed. Other sports aren't used to having to actually do work and stay healthy. They eat and drink what they want. If anyone tells you that cross country isn't a sport and it takes no talent, skill, or thought, invite them on a run.

Can I purchase some cross country running shoes online? has many cross country running shoes and also with spikes. There is also a large variety of Nike cross country running shoes at You can probably find a good pair of cross country running shoes at a sporting goods store near you like Big5 Sporting Goods.

What is cross- country skiing?

Cross country skiing is like cross country running, except on skis. The skis used for cross country skiing are long and thin. Your leather ankle boots are attached only to the toe of the binding. You use poles to push off, and then throw your feet forward to continue the motion. Cross country skiing is easy to learn, and only takes practice. There are many good skiing trail in the rocky mountains of Alberta.

Is animation famous?

Anime is famous because it is different to normal drawings. people like what anime looks like. Not everyone but a lot of people do. Anime is famous because people like how it is unique rto different artists.