Not yet, but soon.
I've just been informed that lacie is dead. the mission is fufilled, captain. sayonara.
~ lieutenant unicorn
Lacie Akin
LaCie was created in 1987.
The population of LaCie is 450.
As a rule, names are not translated, so Lacie is Lacie. There is no German equivalent.
Lacie Manshack's birth name is Lacie Brionna Manshack.
Lacie Manshack is 5' 3".
Lacie Heart is 168 cm.
Lacie Lybrand was born in 1983.
Lacie James is 5' 3".
Lacie Oakley goes by Maverick.
Lacie Portilla was born on 1990-09-30.
Lacie Lyn Lybrand is 5' 7".