Hugh Latimer's birth name is Hugh Alexander Forbes Latimer.
Hugh Latimer Dryden died on 1965-12-02.
Hugh Latimer Dryden was born on 1898-07-02.
Hugh Latimer died on June 12, 2006, in London, England, UK.
Hugh. Latimer has written: 'Naval disarmament' -- subject(s): Disarmament, Navies
c. 1487
engand bishops
The reason why they killed Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley was in order to scare the Protestants into conforming to Catholicism. Mary I of England sentenced them to being burnt on a stake.
i think ii do not know the answer
Charles Marson has written: 'Hugh Latimer'
Queen mary, threy were accused of heresy.
It is important to remember the History of Hugh Latimer and Nicolas Ridley so that future generations don't make the same mistakes that were made in the past.