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Phil Taylor or Michael van Gerwen have held the number one spot since 2000

Phil Taylor 1996, 2000, 2002-2004,2006-2008,2009-2013 (13)

Michael van Gerwen 2014–present (7)

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1 TAYLOR, Phil England £755,513 2 2 2 WADE, James England £293,578 3 3 3 BARNEVELD, Raymond van Netherlands £227,357 4 4 4 PART, John Canada £184,815 5 5 5 JENKINS, Terry England £167,037 6 6 6 KING, Mervyn England £158,190 13 7 7 BAXTER, Ronnie England £152,639 10 9 8 LLOYD, Colin England £137,942 11 11 9 PRIESTLEY, Dennis England £136,359 7 8 10 LEWIS, Adrian England £133,958 12 10 11 TABERN, Alan England £132,983 15 12 12 OSBORNE, Colin England £126,096 21 13 13 WALSH, Mark England £125,007 8 14 14 MARDLE, Wayne England £117,366 9 16 15 HAMILTON, Andy England £112,991 16 15 16 PAINTER, Kevin England £110,839 32 17 17 THORNTON, Robert Scotland £104,028 18 18 18 VOORT, Vincent van der Netherlands £97,822 19 19 19 OVENS, Denis England £93,180 14 20 20 MANLEY, Peter England £90,466 20 21 21 DUDBRIDGE, Mark England £84,404 25 22 22 KLAASEN, Jelle Netherlands £75,525 27 23 23 JONES, Wayne England £69,022 28 24 24 SMITH, Andy England £68,034 23 26 25 SHEPHERD, Kirk England £66,445 33 25 26 STOMPÉ, Co Netherlands £65,539 17 27 27 SCHOLTEN, Roland Netherlands £63,181 26 28 28 ECCLES, Tony England £62,528 22 30 29 BATES, Barrie Wales £55,296 31 29 30 GERWEN, Michael van Netherlands £54,732 48 33 31 CAVEN, Jamie England £54,439 24 31 32 MASON, Chris England £54,204 30 32 33 ROY, Alex England £53,508 34 34 34 JENKINS, Andy England £53,051 35 35 35 NEWTON, Wesley England £52,264 37 36 36 BEATON, Steve England £49,710 36 37 37 McDINE, Kevin England £48,088 29 38 38 GRAY, Adrian England £42,161 38 39 39 CLARK, Matt England £40,128 255 40 40 ANDERSON, Gary Scotland £35,750 44 41 41 NICHOLSON,Paul Australia £34,404 40 42 42 MAISH, Steve England £32,885 43 43 43 RASSEL, Jan van der Netherlands £31,115 39 44 44 MAWSON, Gary USA £28,946 42 45 45 SMITH, Dennis England £24,260 45 46 46 SULJOVIC, Mensur Austria £23,333 54 48 47 MONK, Colin England £22,789 41 47 48 McGOWAN, Mick Ireland £22,683 46 49 49 BARRY, Jacko Ireland £21,633 50 50 50 DOLAN, Brendan N. Ireland £21,425 47 51 51 MAGOWAN, John N. Ireland £21,150 53 52 52 RODRIGUEZ, Carlos Spain £19,025 51 53 53 HINE, Steve England £18,814 59 54 54 THOMPSON, Chris England £18,250 55 56 55 DAVIS, Bill USA £17,696 52 55 56 CLARK, Jason Scotland £17,633 58 57 57 BROWN, Steve England £16,829 170 59 58 WRIGHT, Peter England £16,621 56 58 59 McBREARTY, Felix N. Ireland £16,525 68 60 60 FROST, Mark England £15,350 66 61 61 AYRES, Tony England £14,425 61 64 62 YOUNG, Darin USA £14,396 81 62 63 LAWRENCE, Mark England £14,171 57 63 64 ASKEW, Dave England £13,046 70 66 65 HONEY, Dave England £12,396 49 65 66 WARRINER-LITTLE, Alan England £12,225 86 67 67 BARNARD, Michael England £12,200 73 68 68 GREEBE, Toon Netherlands £12,015 65 71 69 FATUM, David Canada £11,971 74 69 70 SAMS, Lionel England £11,875 63 70 71 ATWOOD, Wayne Wales £11,828 132 72 72 BLUNDELL,Louis England £10,625 76 73 73 FULWELL, Nick England £10,321 79 74 WEBSTER,Mark Wales £10,042 78 74 75 JOHNSON, Darren England £9,957 88 75 76 GRUBB, Steve England £9,625 77 76 77 EVANS, Steve Wales £9,458 60 78 78 CARVER, Ray USA £9,346 69 77 79 LOSPER, Charles South Africa £9,300 71 80 80 LAURSEN, Per Denmark £9,000 71 80 80 YONGSHENG, Shi China £9,000 83 82 82 WELDING, Gary England £7,782 75 83 83 EXTERCATTE, Erwin Netherlands £7,696 90 84 84 TURNER, Martyn England £7,625 67 85 85 CONVERY, Gerry Canada £6,600 87 86 86 EIJDEN, Remco van Netherlands £6,533 93 87 87 STEPHENSON, Mark England £6,525 94 88 88 SCHNIER, Hannes Austria £6,204 96 89 89 DOWLING, Kevin England £6,058 90 90 90 STEWART,Russell Australia £5,900 90 91 91 FRENCH, Warren New Zealand £5,800 99 92 92 KANTELE,Marko Finland £5,600 93 93 BUTLER,Larry USA £5,425 99 94 94 BEZZEG,Nandor Hungary £5,400 157 95 95 DOBSON, Kenny England £5,250 97 97 96 KEOGH, James Ireland £5,100 99 98 97 NAGAKAWA, Akihiro Japan £5,000 79 96 98 KUCZYNSKI, John USA £4,900

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