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Q: Can wife sign contract for husband?
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Can a wife sign for her husband?

A wife can sign a real estate contract for her husband if he grants her a power of attorney just like anyone else. What varies by state is the repercussion of a wife signing a contract on her own. In some states the catch phrase is it takes one to buy and two to sell. A wife can purchase real estate on her own and her husband is liable. However, when a married couple sells real estate, both parties must sign the real estate sales contract for it to be enforceable.

What happens to a business contract signed by husband with dementia in wife's company name?

Unless there is some reason why the husband has authority to sign on behalf of the company, it would be void.Added: IF the husband was legally authorized to sign such a contract, the husband would have to be legallydeclared to have been mentally incompetent at the time that he signed it. Only then could the contract be declared null and void.

Can a husband sell the family home on land contract without the wife signing the contract even tho the property is in both names?

No. Both owners must sign. The contract is unenforceable.

If a husband wife are named on a lease and the wife is the only one to sign the lease is the husband obligated to the contract?

In general, states limit the right of a plaintiff to enforce a contract for real property rights (including a lease), unless there is a document signed by the defendant. Your particular state may interpret a lease as a contract that could be enforced if the husband actually acted as if there were a lease, even if he didn't personally sign it, but there could be complicated issues of fact and evidence worth discussing with an attorney.

What is a Vivaha?

A legal and acceptable contract to become a husband and wife, marriage.

Do both the husband and wife have to sign the lease agreement?

Yes, typically both the husband and wife must sign the lease agreement if they are both listed as tenants on the lease.

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Can an ex wife sue her husband for money earned by his current wife?

An ex-wife cannot sue her ex-husband for money earned by his current wife unless there is some type of contract between the three of them.

How much notice does a wife have to give to kick her husband out if he is not on the lease?

Depends on the state and their marital status. In some states being married forms implied contracts and If a wife enters into a contract which would more likely than not effect the husband, the husband is included as a party to the contract.

Why husband and wife call each other baby?

its a sign of love

Should husband and wife both sign note for mortgage?


What are the key components of a contract between husband and wife?

The key components of a contract between husband and wife typically include mutual consent, consideration (such as promises or obligations), legal capacity to enter into the contract, and a lawful purpose. Additionally, the contract may outline rights and responsibilities, financial agreements, and provisions for dispute resolution.