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Q: Why is your Suburban 1500 engine hard to start?
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ck coolant temp sensor

Where can you find a diagram of where the oil pressure switch is located on a 1998 GMC 1500 Suburban?

It is screwed into the top of the engine block right behind the distributor. It is about 3 to 4 inches long with an electric wire connector pluged into it. It is hard to see and to get to.

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Most diesel engines are hard to start when it is cold. Plugging the diesel engine block heater in will help the engine start.

Where is the oil sending unit on a 1989 Chevy suburban 5.7 l engine?

It is screewed into the back TOP side of the engine just behind the distributor. It is hard to get to.

Would a dirty fuel filter make it hard to start your 1996 gmc 1500 pickup in the morning?

It could, a plugged fuel filter can cause a hard/no start.

How can you tell my 1985 Chevy Suburban needs a booster?

The break pedal will be hard to push are when you push the brake pedal all the way down the engine will start running rough are you may even here air sucking / Vaccum leak.

Where is the crankshaft position sensor on 2002 8.1 suburban?

It is behind the drivers side head and screwed into the rear of the engine block. It is hard to see and to get to.

Why is it hard for a car to start when the engine is cold?

It is not so much hard for a car to start when the engine is cold as it is easier for a car to start when the engine is warm.Cars that are hard to start in the cold are usually not new cars any more and because of wear and tear there is more likely to be something that doesnt work as well. when fuel is warm it ignites more easily.

Where is the radiator drain valve 1998 Suburban?

It is on the inside bottom right corner of the radiator. Towards the engine. It will be a plastic drain cock. It is hard to see, but it is there,

What does stale gas do to an engine?

Makes it hard to start and run poorly.

WHERE IS The starter for a 2001 Chevrolet suburban?

Standing in front of the engine, you will find it on the back left bottom side of the engine. It is under the exhaust manifold Hard to see. You can see it better if you slide under the passenger side and look up at the engine.

What causes a 2001 dodge ram 1500 5.9l to be hard to start and misfiring?

Start with plugs, wires, cap and rotor. Also check fuel pressure.