On most pocket bikes, there is no speed Governor. They are just slow. The only Governor on a pocket bike is the lack of displacement, horse power and a transmission.
It really depends on what kind of bike you are getting, but normally, a pocket bike is bigger.
yes, you need a lisences to ride a pocket bike in bramton
how do you make pocket bike turbo or where do you buy it i need it for my f4-15 pocket bike 49cc
a pocket bike because you can do a lot o stuff
One can purchase a pocket bike from the following sources: Mini Pocket Rockets, Join 2 Buy UK, Pocket Bike Canada, Scooter Depot, Pocket Bikes Unlimited.
how to make a pocket bike faster.
www.cleveland.craigslist.com go to the motorcycle/scooter section and search pocket bike or pocket rocket
There are many places where one can purchase a X18 Pocket Bike. One can purchase an X18 Pocket Bike at popular on the web sources such as USA Pocket Bikes and Mini Pocket Rockets.
A pocket bike can go up to 45 to 125 km
go to pocketbikeparts.com and go to parts and choose your style pocket bike.
how to quiet a exhaust on a pocket bike without buying a new exhaust?
If you do not know you should ask your nearest MOM!!!!!!