The ability to understand the rules, the confidence to play as a team member and the strength to carry out instructions, and last but not least, the intelligence to know that your prospective employer is not interested in my personal qualities, skills and strengths when you are the one applying for the job.
soft skills are a persons personal qualities
•-Computer skills •-Personal Qualities •-Strong Communication and People Skills
employers are interested in the skills and abilities of job applicants and employees not their personal qualities
There are a number of personal qualities or skills you need to be an IT expert. Some of them include interest in computer, desire to explore various angles of IT, self-discipline, aggression and so much more.
self-confidence and dedication :)
Just specify your knowledge (professional, technical and academic qualities), skills, experiences, and personal qualities.
There are many personal qualities that are important for nurses. Of course, customer relations skills are vital, as are attention to detail.
A personal and professional strength refers to a personality trait that positively influences one's life. Strong organizational skills is an example of a personal and professional strength.
you need to be accurate willing and punctual
Career Assessment