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Although scrambles are not recognized as "formal" competitive rounds by the USGA, they have become extremely popular. The fairest method I have utilized is 35% of the lowest player's handicap plus 15% of the highest player's handicap.

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Q: How would you calculate a handicap for a two person scramble?
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Would your handicap be the same on the yellow tees as it would be on the white tees?

No. A true USGA handicap takes into consideration the tees being played. The slope rating and course rating which are used to calculate your handicap are different for each tee.

Which is better a plus 2 handicap or a minus 2 handicap?

This is where someones handicap is less than 0. When you have your gross score you actually add your handicap on to calculate your nett score.

What is the handicap allowance for Texas scramble?

ADD UP ALL FOUR HANDICAPS, THEN DIVIDE BY 10. EG FOUR HANDICAPS OF SAY 12, 13, 16, 17 WOULD BE 58 DIVIDED BY 10 GIVES A PLAYING HANDICAP OF 5.8 what if three people are playing If three people are playing then add up the 3 handicaps and divide by 6 e.g. 12 + 13 + 16 = 41. Divide this by 6 to get 6.8

What is the highest handicap game in bowling?

There are three variables that affect a bowler's handicap: 1) Their current average, 2) the handicap basis, and 3) the percent of the difference between their average and the handicap basis that is used for the handicap. For example, a typical league may calculate handicap as 80% of 200, meaning that a bowler with a 150 average would have a 40-pin handicap (80% of the 50-pin difference between their 150 average and the 200 basis). With a 40-pin handicap, the highest handicap game this bowler could roll would be 340. Theoretically, you could have a 600 handicap game: A bowler with a 0 average bowling in a league with handicap based on 100% of 300 would get 300 pins of handicap, making a perfect game worth 600 pins. In reality, I don't think I've seen many handicap games over 330.

How do you deal with a handicap person?

same way you would with a normal person, they might be a little different and need extra needs but there human so just like you would with your best friend

You are a handicap person with a toy poodle would like toknow if you could get a room at pioneer near the casino and price it would be on a week day?


Is 21 considered a low or high handicap in golf?

well it is considered a relatively high handicap in golf, this means the individual would likely average around 93 for all his rounds of golf. one must include slope and rating of the course when calculating a handicap, all handicap calculating programs calculate slope and rating for you. please keep in mind this came from a scratch handicap (0) and that the average golfer shoots 106 in his average round so think of it as your already better than average!!!!

What is the highest game ever bowled besides a 300?

300 is the highest you can bowl. the only reason it would be higher is if the person has handicap which would be added to the scratch score

If you have a handicap of 36 and your scored 30 over would your handicap get cut?

You must be a lady golfer, as the maximum handicap for men is 28. But, it all depends on the competition scratch score. If the c.s.s was equal to par, your exact handicap would get cut by 6x0.4 = 2.4. So if you played off 36.0 you would get cut to 33.6 (34).

Can you scramble and freeze the store bought eggwhites that come in the little cartons?

I would freeze the raw product, in the carton, and scramble after it's defrosted.

What would you get as a gift for a major disturbed fan for his birthday it is at the end of January?

If the fan is disturbed then you would be enabling their behavior and giving a gift would only encourage the person. If the person has a mental handicap you could get them almost anything and they would be happy with it as it's coming from you.

Is 3 a good handicap for a 72 year old golfer?

Not really. It must be a junior or ladies handicap because the maximum handicap a man can hold is 28. A 30 handicapper would be struggling to break 100 so not a great handicap, unless you are a beginner.