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Bamboo can be used for several things around the house:

  • Many times I cut the stalk and use it for things like stakes for smaller plants/seedlings.
  • On a very long "pole" (about 5 feet long and almost an inch in diameter) I have attached a Swiffer-type duster to the end and use it for the corners of rooms by the walls and ceiling (since I'm not a tall man).
  • Take many sticks about the same thickness and length and 'lash' them together for a screen or fence. This can cover up things around the yard that you may not like looking at (garbage pails, etc.)
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Q: How do you work with and make things out of bamboo that is growing all around my property?
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What is bamboo used for?

Bamboo is used for many things because it has strong stalks.

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Do giant pandas eat other things?

They eat Bamboo.

Does a giant panda hunt?

The Giant Panda mainly eats bamboo which is a plant that grows in forests. They are very picky about what kind of bamboo they like so they will search around for their favourite "flavour". They can eat other things such as bugs and small animals but these are usually foods of opportunity, meaning they will eat them if they happen to find them while looking for bamboo. Bamboo makes up the main focus of their diet. Erin Brown - Memphis Zoo

Is there bamboo in amazonie?

Bamboo grows in every country in Africa other than the Sahara Desert. There are many species of bamboo growing in Africa from the tropical reforests down to Cape Town in South Africa. Many species have been transferred from India and China over time by humans. Bamboo is used widely in Africa from mundane things like cattle pens to more exotic uses like bamboo wine/beer. The Gorilla populations of Africa use bamboo in their diet same as Pandas and elephants but those are specific species of bamboo, not all.

What can you out of bamboo?

Bamboo has many usages, for example: 1. building material 2. display 3. as plant in your garden 4. as bamboo charcoal 5. as bamboo powder which is edible. As for point 4, there are many things that bamboo charcoal can do, example like bamboo charcoal home air purifiers, bamboo charcoal water purifiers, bamboo charcoal humidity adjuster etc. Basically it is being used as health improvement products for family.

Can plants grow without the things they needs?

yes, my bamboo plant does.

What are the basic needs of pandas?

well actual they need 2 things. Bamboo and water.

What things can south Africa grow in their soil?

fertile flowers and bamboo trees

What eats a honey bear?

Lets see What do you think? We can eat a bear.

Which plant does the Giant Panda usually feed on?

Bamboo shoots. They will eat other things too and even meat but they are useless hunters so they generally eat bamboo.