While you can say in general 'like a frisbee' there are as many ways to throw them as there is to hold them and ways of moving the arm. A well trained individual should be able to throw the star in...
First you must throw it your self an second its a shuriken
throw a ninja star at it
the use of the slotted weight is to throw it like a ninja star at your friends!
throw a ninja star at the rope holding their cage
You use the throwing star and press space bar to throw it.
All you do is click the icon in the lower left.Then you pick the star thing.Then you go up in the tree and throw the star at the bag.Than you go a little back were bansho is and throw the star at the candle.
It depends what game. In Kirby 64 he can throw exploding ninja stars. In Kirby Squeak Squad he can stick to walls, throw ninja stars, throw ninja stars sticking to walls, walk on water and if you have the scroll he can make a burst of fire come off of him. In Kirby Super Star Ultra he can throw knives, slash enemies with his knife, grab enemies jump up in the air and smash them on the ground, he can stick to walls and wall jump off of them, finally he can disappear if you press b as soon as he gets hit.
Ninjas are cool.
Another name for ninja star is Shuriken
The Black Ninja Star sale!
Easy! Throw a throwing star one direction. All the ones that follow it are ninjas, The rest in ninja gear are the women.
One of the most common ninja weapons is the ninja star.