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replace on board computer

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Q: How do you replace the on board computer on a club car golf cart?
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How do you Reset the on board computer on a club car golf cart if it has no tow switch?

club car golf cart has no tow switch how do i reset the obc

How do you replace coil on club cart golf cart?

First you have to have sex with me then i'll tell you how my phone number is 1 (650) 319- 6076

What do you do after you weldid the cart in club penguin?

click on the cart put the tracking device in the cart and press the cart and you beat that part

Ia there a lightning level in cart surfing club penguin?

The creators of Club Penguin have not yet created a lightning level in cart surfing on Club Penguin.

Is there another game in the mine on Club Penguin?

there are two games in the mine Puffle rescue (click on the pin board on the wall) and Cart surfer (click on the track into the mine)

What does obc stand for on a club car golf cart?

It stands for On-Board Computer, it is used, I read anyway, to tell when to shut the charger off, but that's debateable. It is the little box on the drivers side that is mounted to the chassis that your lead battery cable on the drivers side goes thru on it's way towards the back of the cart. That cable goes thru the middle of the OBC to a sensor in there.

Does a 2000 club car have a obc?

yes, the regenerative braking is controlled by an on board computer, so is charging.

Does cart surfer have a shark in it on club penguin?


How do you fix the cart on club penguin?

you can not it is impossible

How much is a 1997 club car golf cart worth?

value of a 1997 golf cart

How do you jump on cart surfur on club penguin?

on cart surfer in club penguin to do jump first press the down then the space bar you get 100 coins

What are the main parts of a club car golf cart?

The main parts of a Club Car Golf Cart is the battery pack on the Cart. The pack can be charged conveniently through a power outlet. These Club Car's are zero emission Carts and are very safe for the environment.