

How do you do earth bending?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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Here is how you do earthbending. First, you do your stance heres how you do it. First squat your legs & feel the earth all around you ( Must be in a place where your surrounded by earth) Once youv'e acomplished that move perfectly you can move on to the next step. Stomp on the ground and feel the energy in it, imagine your earthbending until you actually do, when you make a dent in the ground you can manipulate the rock to make it go deeper do a circular motion with your hands and make a fist then when you've made the rock move you can thrust it in the air with all the strength you have. That is all it takes i have been earth bending for many years, this was the first move i learned so I'm sure that you can do this with ease stay safe and wear protection when you bend,

Michael Dante,

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12y ago
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