Scott Boras Corporation
3 San Joaquin Plz Ste 100
Newport Beach, CA , 92660-5944
Phone: 949-760-0188
Scott Boras's birth name is Scott Dean Boras.
Scott Boras was born on November 2, 1952, in Sacramento, California, USA.
Scott Boras
Scott Boras
5 %
Risk Takers - 2011 Scott Boras - 1.5 was released on: USA: 9 August 2011
Alex Rodriguez's agent is Scott Boras.
The only figure I have ever heard was somewhere in the neighborhood of $500M.
Annika Boras is 5' 7".
Boras is on the way to Oslo from Kristiansand. Kristiansand to Boras: 40 miles Kristiansand to Oslo: 200 miles Boras to Oslo: 160 miles Kristiansand to Oslo to Boras: 360 miles unless you meant the Boras in Sweden (which was worth mentioning). That's 419 miles.
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Scott Boras has: Played himself in "This Week in Baseball" in 1977. Played himself in "ESPN Outside the Lines Weekly" in 2000. Played himself in "Rome Is Burning" in 2003. Played Himself - Sports Agent in "Mike and Mike in the Morning" in 2005. Played Himself - Telephone Interviewee in "Mike and Mike in the Morning" in 2005. Played himself in "Free Agent" in 2006.