You don't "centershot" a bow. A centershot is a type of bow that is cut out where the arrow goes across it, so the arrow doesn't have to 'bend' around the bow when shot.
bow (take a bow), and bough (branch of a tree) or bow (like bow tie) and beau (boyfriend)
Which meaning of the word bow? There's the bow of a boat, a ribbon and bow, a bow and arrow, take a bow...
Bow - The front of a boat. Bow - Bend down at the waist. Bow - Something tied with ribbon. Bow - A device that shoots arrows.
u like candy bow bow bow bow bow i like candy
the bow that most professional hunters use is a Bow-Tech. the best bow is Bow-Tech.
bow bow bow
Is that 'bow' as in tying up ribbons, bow as in 'bow and arrow', or 'bow' as in greeting by bending forward?
There are two ways to pronounce 'bow' depending on the context in which it is used. The pronunciation of bow as in to bow down is 'bau' and the pronunciation of bow as in bow and arrow is 'boh'.
It is a compound bow (as in bow and arrow).
yes - I bow, you bow, he bows
A short bow is faster
No. Bow Bow is still alive. He is 25