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go to a swimming bath and practice alot all types of swimming techniques then go and compete in little competions to build up ur confidence then go and apply for the olynmpics and whallah

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Q: How do you become a pro swimmer?
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Can a naval officer become a navy search and rescue swimmer?

Yes. Although it is usually avoided, an officer can become a SAR swimmer.

Who is the youngest Paralympic swimmer?

If you have a younger sister or brother, they are the youngest pro athlete.

How do you become a swimmer in the Olympics?

You practice everyday

What influenced Stephanie rice to become a swimmer?

she became a swimmer because when she was little her father was a unsucsessful swimmer she promised herself that she would complete his dream for him.

How much swimming will you need to do to become a swimmer?

depends on what level, 10-20 hours a week, to be a full on swimmer

What Is Stephanie Rice Studding to be?

to become a famous swimmer

What does it take to be a swimming athlete?

If you want to become pro, or a college swimmer, it takes years of practice. 4-6 practices a week is pretty good, maybe even 3 if it is under quality training professionals as well.

What inspired Stephanie Rice to become a swimmer?

she loved swimming when she was in school

Why did Ian Thorpe become a great swimmer?

Because he trained alot

Benefits of being a pro swimmer?

You attain a strong, healthy body and you can be an icon/spokesperson for a big company (if you are well known)!