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No, the Harlem Globetrotters games in Houston will not be broadcasted on TV. The Globetrotters were not able to secure a TV deal in Houston for their performances this time.

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Q: Will there be any Harlem Globetrotters games broadcasted on TV?
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Is any of the Harlem globetrotters still living today?

Yes the globetrotters still play. They have been going across the nation for a long time and continue to.

Was there ever a player by the name of Richard dabney to play for the Harlem globetrotters?

There has never been a player named Richard Dabney on the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team. There is also no record of anyone by that name having any sort of affiliation with the team.

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Baseball because they play the most games in a season of any sport. they have to travel to away games practically every week during the season. Football you go to the away team only once a week for a lot shorter season. Basketball has a lot more games than NFL but they always have at least one day in between games while baseball does not, they play mostly every day during the season.

Where was the farthest distance any one has dunked from?

The farthest distance for a dunk in a basketball game is around 34 feet, achieved by Thunder Law during a Harlem Globetrotters game in 2016. Law made the dunk by leaping from behind the three-point line.

What did the Harlem Globetrotters do?

The Harlem Globetrotters are a comic basketball team that combines athleticism and comedy to create one of the best-known sports franchises in the world. Created by Abe Saperstein in 1927 in Chicago, Illinois, the team adopted the name Harlem because of its connotations as a leading African-American community. Over the years it has toured more than 100 countries putting on more than 20,000 exhibition games, mostly against hapless opposition like the Washington Generals (until 1995) and the New York Nationals (1995-present). The Harlem Globetrotters were an exhibition team. They would play just about anybody and had some incredible moves. It wasn't a REAL basketball game, since they had their own officials, but they were incredibly talented and put on a great show. Their skills and comedy always left the audience feeling that they had been well entertained.

What is the wealthiest neighborhood in Harlem?

Harlem IS a neighborhood; it does not have any neighborhoods of its own. Harlem is actually two neighborhoods, really: West Harlem and East Harlem. West Harlem is traditionally and historically a black neighborhood, while East Harlem (also known as Spanish Harlem) is a primarily Latino neighborhood. In recent years, West Harlem has become increasingly gentrified. An influx of middle-class and upper middle-class white people has turned West Harlem into a much more expensive neighborhood than it used to be. East Harlem, on the other hand, remains woefully impoverished.

Are there any Hampton inns located in Harlem New York?

No, there are no Hampton Inns located in Harlem. However, there are a few located close by.

Can you be 19 or 20 and act on Disney channel?

You can basically be any age. As, you can see on various Disney programs that are broadcasted worldwide, you can act at any age

Population growth in Harlem New York during the Harlem Renaissance?

Because Any taLL Saxxion can go there. and Nick v. loves these.. in his mouth.

Did jesse owens play any other sports?

Jesse Owens participated in athletics at the 1936 Summer Olympics. He won gold medals in the 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 4x100 meter relay, and long jump.

Why are the Harlem globe trotters not in nba?

Because they don't have any sponcers