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Being a boy myself, XD i can imagin the reason.... lol

1. Fighting over a toy

2. last cookie in cookie jar

3. Moms attention

4. Dads attention

5. To be the "alpha" kid (leader of the pack/top dog in the rank of the kids)

But that doesnt answer your question. I think why they do is because boys arent afraid to get dirty (most) or they just have lots of energy!

But i do know that it is normal. But it shouldn't be a practice of yours. (i don't think you like it)

The thing for girls (babysiting experience.......) they scream and bite when they fight. Boys like to punch. not so much biting.(Hey that rhymes!) They don't care about punching they just want mom

The main thing you need to remember is that God is always there no matter what.

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13y ago
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14y ago

I think because they think girls are prizes and they don't see that girls have feeling and if you are a a girl and being fought over tell them your not a prizes and deserve respect

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13y ago

Male adolescents often fight out of boredom, jealousy, or peer pressure. The same goes for females.

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Q: Why do boys fight over girls?
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depending on who would be stronger but a girl or a boy could win a fight