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the chance for serious injury is too great and it becomes a liability issue

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Q: Why are nerve strikes not allowed in Mixed Martial Arts rules?
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What are the examples of highly agile martial arts with nerve or pressure point strikes?

Ninjitsu, and kung fu are examples of martial arts with nerve or pressure point strikes.

What is mixed neuron?

Mixed nerve is a nerve that carry all the motor function, sensory function and the autonomic function in a single fiber. Spinal nerve is the example of the mixed nerve. Some of the Cranial nerve on the other hand is not the mixed nerve as it only has one property which is either sensory or motor function.

A mixed nerve contains which type of nerves?

a mixed nerve carry both motor and sensory nerves

What nerve is a mixed cranial nerve that conducts sensory impulses from and motor impulses from and motor impulses to the thoracic and abdominal viscera?

vagus nerve

Mixed nerve house?

Both sensory and motor neurons...

How many cranial nerves carry both sensory and motor impulses?

Five cranial nerves are mixed or sensorimotor nerves:Trigeminal Nerve (V)Facial Nerve (VII)Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)Vagus Nerve (X)Accessory Nerve (XI)

Is the posterior interosseous nerve a cranial nerve or a spinal nerve?

what does ninth cranial nerve control? glossopharyngeal nerve is a mixed nerve, it has sensory and motor part. the sensory is at the poserior 1/3 of the tongue. It also is part of the pharyngeal plexus. (9,10,11) The motor part of the nerve ONLY supply the stylopharyngeus muscle!

The cranial nerve responsible for chewing is?

Trigeminal V: a mixed nerve responsible for the chewing of food and sensations in the face, scalp, and teeth and the contraction of chewing muscles.

Does a mixed nerve contain both sensory and motor neurons?

Yes, "Mixed nerves" of the peripheral nervous system contain both sensory and motor fibers

Where can both sensory and motor fibers be found together?

Mixed nerves like the spinal nerves have both sensory afferents and motor efferents.

Why are Motor nerves that supply skeletal muscle the last to be inhibited?

Because the nerve supply for muscles are mixed

What is nerve that contains filbers that both send and receive messages is called?

It is called a Mixed Nerve Example- all spinal nerves, and cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X.