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Q: Who was on the cover of the first Sports Illustrated?
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Who was the first African American on the cover of Sports Illustrated?

The first African-American on the cover of Sports Illustrated was Calvin Jones - September 27, 1954.

What sport was on the cover of the first sports illustrated?


How many times has Tom Brady been on the cover of Sports Illustrated?

Tom Brady has been on the cover of Sports Illustrated 21 times.

What Athlete was on the cover of sports illustrated record 49 times?

The persons who was on the cover OS Sports Illustrated 49 times was Eddie Matthews.

What was the first sport to be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated?

The first cover featured baseball. It's a shot of Eddie Matthews with the Milwaukee Braves.

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Why was Beyonce on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue?

Because someone at Sports Illustrated had a brain fart and fortgot that SI Swimsuit models adorn the cover and not celebrities.

Why should Tyra Banks have a place of honor in history?

She was the first black model to be on the cover of sports illustrated.

Who was the first black female to be on sports illustrated?

Tyra Banks was the first black woman to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1997.

When was the first sports illustrated published?

The first issue of the Sports Illustrated magazine, as it is known today, was published circa August 16, 1954. Previous incarnations of Sports Illustrated were originally published in 1936 and 1949, but they did not attract an audience.

What tyra banks the first black model?

Tyra Banks was the first black model to appear on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

Was heidi klumm ever a sports illustrated swimsuit model?

Yes, Heidi Klum was featured on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1998.