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There may be others, but the link below shows the only I could find. Is he the best that is your decision to make.

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Q: Who is the best openly gay martial artist?
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Related questions

Who is an openly gay president?

There has not been an openly gay president for the United States of America. President Obama is the first president to openly support gay rights, but he is not gay himself.

Is martial artist Jim kelly gay?

Jim Kelly is an American athlete, actor and also a martial artist. He is known for his roles in Bruce Lee movie Enter the Dragons. He is working as a professional tennis coach these days. There is a lot of mystery surrounding his personal life. He was married once but divorced, but it can not be said for sure that he is a gay.

Who is gay in fruits basket?

In the anime and manga series Fruits Basket, two characters who are confirmed to be gay are Kazuma Sohma and Naohito Sakuragi. Kazuma is the martial arts master and father figure to Kyo, while Naohito is a minor character who is openly gay.

Who was the first openly gay president?

As of 2014, there has never been an openly gay president, but Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir of Iceland is the world's first openly gay prime minister.

How do you know john partridge is gay?

He is openly gay.

Is Simon Amstell gay?

Yes, he openly gay.

Is Jay Brannan gay?

He is openly gay musician.

Is Josh Koscheck Gay?

Josh Koscheck, the American martial artist has not stated his sexual preference in public. speculate on what is personal and private to any individual.

Why can't you be openly gay in the military?

You can be openly gay in the militaries of most western countries, including the United States.

Who was the first openly gay person in the world?

The first openly gay person in the world was Wisconsin's Tammy Baldwin.

Is felicia snoop Pearson gay?

Yes. She is openly gay.

Is Francisco Lachowski gay?

Yes, he's openly gay.