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Martial Arts evolved with mankind. The first time someone hit someone else, the martial arts began. Over time they have developed as a way to record the most effective techniques, the best place to hit someone, or the most effective way to use a weapon. Most cultures have developed martial arts of some form or another. These arts are based on their weapons, cultural beliefs and climates.

There are many arguments as to where the study of martial arts came from. Some would say the Japanese; others are stern in their belief that the Chinese brought martial arts to its popularity and so forth. Although there are minimal sources as to who started the study, legend has it that the Chinese martial arts originated with an Indian Prince who brought his skills to the Buddhist temples in China. From there it spread throughout China and to Japan and Okinawa, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand and Southeast Asia.

The first conflict between two men was the beginning of martial arts. A man must have, for some reason - probably out of jealousy, taken a tool used for hunting animals and used it against his fellow man. Information on what techniques worked were passed down from generation to generation. Since then the science and art has been in development.

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9y ago
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15y ago

Martial arts began the first time someone hit someone else. Ever since then man has worked to find more efficient ways of winning fights with others. Over time they shared what they learned and passed on the ideas to those that came behind them. It would be virtually impossible to determine what the first 'martial art' was and the time frame, but probably the first time two humans fought each other would be the date.

More informationOf the martial arts most known today, the Asian martial arts are said to have started, as a compiled discipline, in India, from where they were carried to China, Japan, Korea and other parts of Asia. However, there are also influences of Polynesian martial arts in the Far East martial arts of today, as well as local influences from continental China, the Ryukyu islands and the Jomon people among others.

There are claims that European martial arts resulted from those practiced by Celtic tribes and Indo-european tribes. In Africa and the Middle East, many martial disciplines were developed by Arabian tribes, and in the Americas many native tribes had their own martial arts, transmitted through generations.

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17y ago

It was so far back in history that no one is really sure. In general, as soon as man started to fight, he developed martial arts. There were things in Ancient Greece and Egypt. Most of what we know today as martial arts is believed to have originated in India, moved to China, spread throughout Asia and then around the world. Each culture adapted it to meet their needs, area, geography and society.

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7y ago

Each form of martial arts began in its own way. Some have said that kung fu (gong fu) originated in China over 2000 years ago, and was constantly being developped. This may or may not be true, however Gong fu is considered the grandfather of all martial arts.

Judo was invented by a very small man in Japan around 1960. He was often picked on for his size, and he was unable to learn the combat arts that were offered. instead he invented judo (the gentle way), which involed using leverage, physics, and body mechanics to effectively throw and seize an opponent, which was perfect for a man of his stature. Now, judo is a world-wide competitive martial art, where people of all shapes and sizes can compete.

Around 1950, Chogun Myagi created Okinawan Goju Ryu karate, from what he was taught by his naha-te karate teacher, all originating from Gong fu.

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14y ago

It's difficult to determine since ancient Martial Arts were only taught within small circles, and in secret. There were no books as we know them today, and even the ones that have been translated to this day do not have any definitive date of when they were written.

However, Samurai Miyamoto Musashi's Go Rin No Sho (Book of 5 Rings), written by Musashi around 1645, is considered one of the oldest written works on the subject still around today. It is a must-read for any aspiring Martial Artist.

Though a work of military strategy rather than Martial Arts. Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" which was published in 1621, can also be applied to certain aspects of Martial Arts training, though it's up to the reader to determine how his philosophies can be utilized by the practitioner.

The Bubishi, another treatise on warfare, was published during the Ming dynasty (1366-1644).

The earliest karate book is probably the karate Bubishi which was published during the following dynasty, had parts which can be traced back to several Chinese Generals and were written in 1561. Patrick McCarthy's recent revised translation is probably the best and is readily available. It contains a great deal of practical advise, discussions of pressure points and some kata.

You may also want to consider the 'Kihyo Shinsu', a Chinese martial arts manual written by Chuk Kye-kwang of the Ming Dynasty. This book was obtained by King Sunjo (1567-1608)

Another book to consider is the Korean 'Muye Dobo Tongji' written by Park Je-ga, Duk-moo, and Pak Dong-soo as it is a compilation of martial arts tactics from as far back as 1392. The edition translated by Sang H. Kim is a great version.

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13y ago

Martial arts were first used how they were intended, for self-defense. For example Shaolin Monks were attacked while picking berries and doing other daily chores. In this case they had to learn to fight back or die. However people have strayed from using martial arts for a just kill.

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13y ago

There are hundreds of first founders and hundreds of first martial arts, martial arts was created by fathers teaching their sons how to fight and defend themselves, and all of them had there own styles of fighting.

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8y ago

The first individual that hit someone else was practicing a martial art. Over time they learned what the best way and place to hit someone. This was passed down over time and became the martial arts we know today.

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16y ago

i believe its to do with war. mongolian perhaps? martial arts with a weapon...a sword?

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Who invented the art?

The martial arts predate all of recorded history. A martial art is any art form of fighting. In modern times, it refers to the various disciplines taught in schools, temples, and gyms. Many high-level practitioners and teachers of the martial arts, particularly those that have a religious or spiritual basis (Tai Chi, Kung Fu, etc), believe that the martial arts weren't "invented", but rather that their natures already existed and were to be discovered.

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What does Martial Arts starts with? It starts by greeting your opponent.

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Martial Arts Weekend was created in 2002.

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