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The Samurai sword arts are closely related to Daoism in Japan. And in China it is Kung Fu, particularly Shoalin styles, which are closely related to the monks and temples.

While some make it an integral part of the art, anyone can practice Daoism as a part of their martial art study if they so desire.

In most places karate is not associated with Daoism.

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Taiji Quan of china aka grand ultimate fist style is associated with Daoism or the Yin Yang symbol. There are many forms of tai chi, one of the oldest styles is Yang family tai chi, my personal favorite! Check out the film The Tai Chi Master starring Jet Li and Michelle Yeow then you will understand all, grasshopper!

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What martial art is associated with daoism?

The Samurai sword arts are closely related to Daoism in Japan. And in China it is Kung Fu, particularly Shoalin styles, which are closely related to the monks and temples. While some make it an integral part of the art, anyone can practice Daoism as a part of their martial art study if they so desire. In most places karate is not associated with Daoism.

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