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If you're refering to Muay Thai it is the national sport of Thailand, and the first kickboxing style, it originated in ancient thailand in the same time period that Ankar wat was built, in those times the style was called Mauy Boran.

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Q: Where did Thai originate?
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Where does Thai food originate from?

Thai food originates from the country of Thailand, in Asia.

Where did muay Thai originate?

Muay Thai is the martial art that serves as the foundation of kickboxing.

From what country does thi food originate?

No where, because there is no such thing as Thi food. Perhaps you are thinking of Thai food, which come from Thailand, a beautiful country located in South East Asia. The Thai people are famous for their Thai cuisine. Also to save future embarrassment, it is worth knowing that the word Thai is pronounced 'ty' (not thigh).

What is Thai language called?

The Thai language is called ภาษาไทย (Phasa Thai) in Thai.

How did the Thai ladyboy originate?

The concept of "ladyboys" in Thailand has historical roots in traditional Thai culture and beliefs around gender diversity. Ladyboys, also known as "kathoey," have been a recognized part of Thai society for centuries, often celebrated in cultural performances and entertainment. The term encompasses a spectrum of gender identities beyond the Western binary of male and female.

What nationality speaks Thai?

Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai people speak Thai.

How do you Thai in Thai?

Yeah thai

How do you spell Kickboxer in Thai?

Kick boxer in Thai is muay Thai which is Thai kickboxing

Boran thai muay thai?

We have to say Muay Thai Boran : It means the orginally Muay Thai. Muay Thai and originally Muay Thai is different with how to boxing. Muay Thai Boran is so old more than 500 years.

Where does Thai Pad Thai come from?

where does pad thai come from

When was Thai Rak Thai Party created?

Thai Rak Thai Party was created on 1998-07-14.