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the one hit by a Baseball bat

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Q: What pressure point puts a person to sleep?
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What is the name of the liquid that puts a person to sleep?


Can sleep help your circulatory system?

Yes. When a person is sleep-deprived or has consistently inadequate sleep, their body begins to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which increases blood pressure and puts a strain on the cardiovascular system. Over time, this puts a person at a greater risk of heart attack and stroke. However, getting enough sleep keeps cortisol levels down, and can reverse this situation.

What is the title of the person who puts you to sleep before surgery?

Anesthesiologist or Anesthetist.

What does propofle mean?

Propofol is a medicine that puts a person to sleep before surgery.

Who puts patients to sleep for procedures?

An anesthesiologist puts patients to sleep for procedures.

Doctor That Puts People to Sleep?

Anesthesiologist is the doctor who puts you to sleep before an operation.

Does a gryoscope put pressure at the point of contact?

Anything that touches something else puts pressure on the point of contact. In some cases, such as tapping a finger on paper or a gyroscope spinning on a flat surface, that pressure is light enough to be negligible.

What does sleep powder do?

its a Pokemon attack that puts Pokemon to sleep

What drug puts a person into a deep sleep for a long time?

Over the counter products such as Benedryl or Nightquil can put you to sleep for various amounts of time depending on the amount of consumption.

How do you get your pet to go to sleep?

I don't. My cat puts me to sleep and then goes to play.

What does grasswhistle do?

It puts the opposing Pokemon to sleep.

A move that puts oponents to sleep?
