They are trained in various disciplines and mix and match as required to overcome their opposition. Very few are dogmatic about style or school because their incentive is not a ranking, a belt or a tournament trophy. They fight only to accomplish their mission, get out and fight again another day.
Navy Seal learn many different forms of hand to hand combat skill, many of them, however are centralized around combat situations, as SEALs are primarily gunnfiters. Hand to hand is only used as a last ditch effort, since since SEALs prefer there advesaries dead to beaten up. For this reason guns>hands.
The main style of Martial Arts is called a Deater System, which inloves many strikes different strikes and rear chokes when employed correctly result in great harm to the individual.
Lastly, it should be noted that one thing that cannot be "taught" by martial arts that all SEALs have, is mental tenacity that ordinary men do not posses. This qaulity can not be "trained" for, it is the overall goal of SEAL training to do nothing more than identifie this quality in individuals. It should be noted that nearly any fighting art induced to a person with the physical and mental tenacity of a SEAL TEAM member will result in successful employment of the given art.
Sasuke from Naruto? He doesn't do martial arts, he just uses fantasy stuff...
There are many martial arts that use the bo. Kungfu and kobudo are two of them.
Ju Jitsu & Aikido.
Yes he does. Robin also uses acrobatics, which he uses quite a bit.
he uses high tech gear ,but no martial arts
ken-do in a form of martial art that uses primarily swords, although most martial arts use weapons at some level.
Sasuke from Naruto? He doesn't do martial arts, he just uses fantasy stuff...
There are many martial arts that use the bo. Kungfu and kobudo are two of them.
No. He only uses wrestling moves.
Ju Jitsu & Aikido.
Yes he does. Robin also uses acrobatics, which he uses quite a bit.
Martial arts is the study of warfare and the way of combat. Using a weapon is a martial art. The Marine Corps specifically includes the use of guns and knives in their fighting style.
If you mean martial arts then yes. Though not Chinese, Judo and Tae Kwon Do are martial arts and Olympic Sports. Mixed Martial Arts is a popular sport that uses parts of different martial arts, and some Chinese arts can be incorporated into this at appropriate times.