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As a blackbelt minimum in these atyles i.e shorinjiryu,Brazilian jui jitsu, judo,akido,krav maga and it took 28 year i started shorin at 11. i was funamentally due my blackbelt 16 in that ryu. I styaed till22 where became a 4th dan. Shorin incorporates a hybrid approach due to all the destruction of our tradtional and will be missed stles with cross training. The hombe in Osak,Japan had to adapt a more diverse ryu to compete. So they decided on most call it Brazilian jui jitsu but we was told akijuijitsu. The incorporated a Wrestling stylealthought American wrestling is much more proficent but doesnt have the striking, submissions as judo but it's a much better type of grounding and controlling him there. The added akido for a wildcard due to the fact most when encountering a nidan at the most a attack startegy is out of the question u resort to staying away and using a striking style to offset that that's where the karate in Shorin is equivalent to tae kwon do or gojo. You have a minimum of 10 kicks and directions , angles of these,then the hands, elbows,knees are about 3/4 as muai thai. So thenalong with jui jitsu which has as many or more submissions but have not as much submission defense if i guessed i say 80% of Gracie cause no matter what one says gracie is with out a doubt unmatched. I got the permision when i became accepted in the All Nothern japan krate kempo teachers guild to instruct and was a sempai and a 3 year probation sensei till I was requested to be at the hombu in Osaka for the 9th dan master of Shorinji ryu and Grand Master a one and only 10th dan. i had somewhere near 60 kata, had 8 kumite matches without over a 60 sec break between each 3 min round of 3 rounds you have to complete a minimum of 60 of the 120+ kata you practiced. So after 6 hrs of this a 10 page essay onshorin and what addition of Krav maga I incorporated into my dojo effected and if positive how. i was a sandan then aftre the p.test and a 10 page essay and ettiquette observation I was permanetly a sensei and rokudan and awarded a award for adding and afterwards sharing Km there a honor as a martial art visionary. I am no visionary but know Martial Arts and say the best Bakca Shorinjiryu To. karate,jui-jitsu,judo,akido,krav maga and all incorporate theri own perspectuve kubudo in each so technically 4 of the 5 due jui jitsu has no kubudo we offer. If u attend this stylr and complete the entire course u will have minimumally a black belt in karate,Judo,Akido,Ji-Jitsu and Krav Maga. We are in talks with a sambolegend to think of incorporated this. I have been told advance to 7th dan its my goal. Its rumoured that savate is being seekd out for influential legen to teach. I am sure in 6 to 7 year that's my goal for 8th dan and possibly a direcor's position. So give it a try say 12 year one style has karate,jui jitsu,judo,akido,krav maga, sambo, and savate. And Kubudo with bo,nunchuku,tonfa,sai,katana, naginata,Kugariami and yumi as the weapons we teach eac has 10+ kata

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The one that they want to study! It is more about finding a teacher that they are comfortable with and a good school then the specific style.

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13y ago

My opinion is karate for teenagers, kids too, but if not kung fu is good too.

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