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They can all be very demanding. It is more on how much effort the practitioner puts into it then the specific style. While the fast moving ones are likely to provide a stronger aerobic work out, the slow ones still work the muscles hard.

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Q: What is the physically demanding martial art?
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What is the most physically demanding martial art?

There is no single art that can be considered the most demanding. Properly motivated, all of the martial arts can be very physically demanding, depending upon the effort put into it by the artist. Many arts are expected to be combined with cross training to include aerobic activities such as running and power building things like lifting weights.

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Boxing is no doubt a physically-demanding sport, requiring a wide range of skills, among them strength, stamina, timing and a high pain threshold. But the most physically demanding sport ever? My vote goes to multi-sport competitions such as the Olympic decathlon and the Ironman: in terms of the amount of training needed to successfully complete them, they far outweigh time-limit sports such as boxing and martial arts.

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Yes, Judo is a martial art that was based on JuJitsu.

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Its not a martial art its a training drill.

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It is Majest Martial Art.

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Was pankration the first martial art?

No; most martial arts historians are in agreement, that it is wrestling which holds that honor. No, actually, the first real martial art is believed to be an inian martial art known as Kalarippayattu.

How do you use the word demanding in a sentence?

My boss is very demanding and expects perfection in everything we do.

Does street fighting count as a martial art?

{| |- | Street fighting is not a martial art. It uses and develops many martial skills. But there is more to a martial art than simply a series of skills. There are also philasophies and understanding that is included with the teaching a marital art. |}

What french martial art is for moving over and around objects?

The martial art you are looking for is Parkour.