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An agon is the term for contest.

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Q: What is the name of an ancient greek festival which is a contest in music and athletics?
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What is the connection Ancient Greece and the Olympics?

The Olympics is an Ancient Greek festival.

What developed from the festival of dionysus?

The ancient greek theater.

In Greek what does Delia mean?

delia is an ancient greek festival in honor of Apollo

Did ancient rome invent the Olympics?

No. The Olympics were strictly a Greek festival.

When does dionysus festival take place?

In 534 BC the first festival of Dionysus was instituted in Ancient Greek Theatre

What is the historical role in the ancient greek drama?

It was part of a festival in honour of the gods.

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The Heraia is the annual festival of Hera, the ancient pre-Greek Mother of all.

For the ancient Olympics was the Olympic Torch carried around different countries?

No. The ancient Olympics were a sports festival but also a religious festival celebrated in Greece by Greeks to honor the Greek gods.

Which ancient Greek god does Mother's Day originate from?

Some think this day emerged from a custom of mother worship in ancient Greece, which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods.

How were the greek gods and godesses involved in the ancient olympic games?

The games were held as a festival for the god Zeus.

Why did Greek celebrate Dionysus festival?

to honor their godthey do many things besides festivals to honor their godsFestivalsPlaysand the ancient greek olympics ALL honor the gods!

What does the word 'biathlon' mean and where does it come from?

Abstracted from pentathlon in 1956 to describe an athletics contest in which participants ski and shoot, it comes from the Greek language words meaning two contests.