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eccentricity = distance between foci


length of major axis

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Q: What is the formula for eccentricity?
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What are the planets has the most elliptical and tilted orbit?

None of the planets orbit the sun perfectly in a circle, there is a degree of deviation from this perfect circle called eccentricity. The higher the eccentricity (more more the eccentric the orbit is) the further away from this perfect circle the orbit is. The planet that deviates most from a perfect circle, having the highest eccentricity, is Neptune. Neptune also has the highest axial tilt, tilted over onto its side as it orbits the sun.

What is the approximate compression of the earths orbit around the sun?

The Earth's orbit is almost circular. Technically, the "eccentricity" of the orbit is about 0.0167.

Which planets orbits are almost round?

Venus has the orbit closest to a circular orbit. Neptune's is not too bad also. Look for low' eccentricity' rating, the closer to zero the more circular.

What is the chemical formula for beryllium astatide?

Formula: BeAs2

What is Eccentricity?

Eccentric means, literally, "off center". The term originated with astronomy. Later, it came to be used in mechanics, to describe a wheel or gear which rotates about an axle which is not at its center. (To understand how eccentric motion can be useful. See animation of a automobile cam in related link below.) Around 1620, the term was first applied figuratively, to describe a thing which was odd or unusual. Around 1832, it began to be used to describe a person with unusual ideas or behavior.Eccentric means deviating from the recognized or customary character or practice.With regard to people, eccentric means behaving in odd, unusual ways without the implication of mental illness.

Related questions

Which equation should be used to find the eccentricity of the earths orbit?

Eccentricity is the measure of how much the conic section diverges into its circle form. One of the formulas for eccentricity is e=c/a this formula can be used to get the eccentricity of the ellipse.

What is the Formula for eccentricity using SA and SP?


What is the eccentricity of the Earth?

The eccentricity of the Earth is approximately 0.0167.

What is a the eccentricity of a circle?

Eccentricity is only present in ovals and ellipses. A circle is present. The eccentricity of an oval or ellipse is how linear it is.

What was the eccentricity of Halley's comet?

The eccentricity of Hallry's comet is 0.967

What is the eccentricity of the asteroid psyche?

The eccentricity of Psyche's orbit is 0.140

What is Earth's orbit eccentricity?

0.016710220 is the Earth's orbital eccentricity

What is the name of an object with a eccentricity of zero?

The eccentricity of the circle is zero.

What are some sentences for eccentricity?

"The old man's eccentricity was worrying." "Eccentricity is for the rich - the poor man is simply mad." "I am conducting a study of perceptions of eccentricity in different cultural groups." "Eccentricity should not be considered to be a negative aspect of personality, but rather a fascinating idiosyncrasy."

A circular orbit would have an eccentricity of?

It would have an eccentricity of 0.

Does the earth have an orbit with a low or high eccentricity?

The Earth has an eccentricity of 0.01671123. Where 0 is a perfect circle, and 1 is a parbola. So by that it has a low eccentricity.

What 2 planets have the most cicular orbits?

Venus has an eccentricity of 0.00677323 Neptune has an eccentricity of 0.00858587 Triton, a moon of Neptune, orbit is as close to a perfect circle with an eccentricity of 0.000016 The Earth for comparison has an eccentricity of 0.01671022