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Ki, Qi, or Chi in Martial Arts is described and known as a "cosmic energy" that can be found in everything, a universal energy that one can practice harnessing. The Qigong healing techniques almost entirely on focusing this energy and removing blockages in a patient's body that prevent their energy from flowing correctly, and thus cause sickness/pain.

People speculate a lot on this concept. Some think it works, some don't. To really explain Chi completely is almost impossible, because their really is no exact explanation for what it is.

Something you can try doing on your spare time is holding your hands apart from each other as if you are holding a soccer ball. Relax your whole body, sitting or standing but with your feet planted on the ground. Visualize yourself with your hands around a candle, and you can just feel the warmth of the candle on your hands. Slowly in your mind, make the flame bigger, until after several minutes you are holding a fireball in your hands. You should feel a tingling in your fingers, and if you slowly bring your hands together the energy you feel should get more intense.

That is what is known as a "Chi fireball." If it didn't work for you, look it up on YouTube sometime so you can see a visual and hear a more in depth explanation.

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