A BA (Bachelor of Arts) usually requires a three year study at a British university.
In the US and most countries a BA is a four year (about 130 credits) degree.
An Associated of Arts Degree is a two year degree (about 60-70 credits) normally obtained through a community college.
Needless to say, a Bachelor's degree is preferable.
There is no requirement to have an associates degree before going for a bachelors degree. In most cases the credits will be counted toward the bachelors.
An associates of arts is a degree which covers many types of programs. For example, liberal arts, communication, education, fine arts, etc. Typically, there are three types of degrees at the two years level; associates of arts (AA), associates of science (AS), and associates of applied science (AAS). Each one has their own set of program specific course work.
The closest to general education would be the associate of arts degree in liberal arts. Most AA and AS degrees are designed as transfer programs to fours year colleges and universities. Many of the AAS degrees are transferable also, but you need to be careful because there are some that do not transfer well. They are basically designed as terminal degrees which gives the student all the expertise in a particular program to enter the workforce upon graduation. Therefore they are very career oriented.
The difference between the bachelor of science and the bachelor of arts is that the science degree has more course requirements that focus on finance. The BA will require more general education courses.
There is just a slight difference is approach to the field. To get a better understanding look at the difference between the arts and science degree indicated below.The Bachelor's of Arts degree (BA) has a broader scope, with a strong emphasis on the humanities, theoretical and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or of a professional study.The Bachelor of Science degree (BS) is more of a focused approach with a science base to include a balance of liberal arts, technological knowledge, math and computer oriented skills, and practical skills needed for a particular discipline within the field.
The bachelors of arts degree is the overall degree category under which there are various programs of study. For example, education, English, communications, history, etc. As such, the bachelors of arts in English is just specifying the program of study the student majored in. In other words, the individual completed a bachelors level degree, with a specialization in English.
Within the US, there is no such thing as a bachelor of law degree. It is a juris doctor (JD) degree.
The majority of the time the two words are interchangeable. Degree means, at the minimum, a Bachelor's degree from a University or College. One could receive a diploma for finishing any number of technical college courses or other programs.
Difference between Bachelor Degree & Master Degree 1. Bachelor Degree is Undergraduate program and Master Degree is Postgraduate program. 2. Bachelor Degree is for 3 years and Master Degree is for 2 years 3. You can do Master Degree without passing the Bachelor Degree program.
i want to know the difference also
A Bachelor's degree is a four-year degree and is required for employment in many professions. The Master's degree is a higher degree that you can earn after receiving your Bachelor's.
The difference between the bachelor of science and the bachelor of arts is that the science degree has more course requirements that focus on finance. The BA will require more general education courses.
love love
A bachelor's degree is a degree a student gets after completing years of coursework. A honor's degree is a degree a student receives when they have excelled at their studies.
An Associates Degree is a 2 year degree and a Bachelor Degree is a 4 year degree. A Bachelor Degree will give you a lot more career options.
Obtaining a 1st bachelor's degree is when a person completes their first undergraduate program, typically leading to a bachelor's degree. A 2nd bachelor's degree is when a person pursues and completes a second undergraduate program after already earning a bachelor's degree.
It appears to be the same thing.
You don't get a degree with a subject; you get a degree in a subject. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or Bachelor of Computer Science are common descriptions of this degree.
I could not give you an actual difference in salary because it depends on the job. But it a bachelor's degree will most likely earn you less pay than a masters degree.