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There is really no such thing as a best discipline/form of Martial Arts. With martial arts, each form has strengths and weaknesses. It also depends on what type of a learner you are. For example, there are some martial arts forms that get you out on the mat and fighting from the start; they tend to be the types of martial arts forms that are focused on grappling (sort of like Wrestling). On the other hand, other martial arts forms will have you practicing for months if not years before you ever spar (Practice fight). It can also be said that some martial arts are easy to pick up, but difficult to master, which others might be extremely difficult at first, but plateau at the end. All in all, I think it's fair to say that you have to go with what appeals to you, and that's where YOU will be most successful.

By the way, since you asked, I like Taekwondo for it's power and flexibility.

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13y ago

There is no way to identify any technique as inherently being the "best" and any suggestion would be a matter of opinion. What is ideal is whatever works in any given situation, and that can change from fight to fight. Some ideal strategies and tactics are as follows.

1. Avoid fights, dangerous people, and unsafe environments whenever possible

2. If confronted by an attacker, avoid getting hit (particularly in the head or vital areas).

3. Learn methods of escaping from controls.

4. Lean a combination of strikes, throws, and grappling from a qualified instructor.

5. Perfect a handful of techniques that end a fight quickly, without making yourself vulnerable to counter-attack, or attack from multiple opponents.

It is not so much the specific technique that makes a fighter successful, but how well they have practiced their favorite technique, and how effectively they can perform it in the right way, and the right moment when under the stress of a life or death encounter.

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