it really depends on what engine you put on it if you out a 6.5 hp on it it would have that much horse power.
I believe that the fastest an average quarter horse can run is about thirty to forty mph at top speed.
Well, that would depend on how tall it is, and how much he/ she is being fed. honestly the average for a quarter horse, at the average height (15.2 hands) is 1,250 lbs. Hope this helped
The average weight of a 10 month old quarter horse colt is approximately 600 lbs. A full grown quarter horse weighs over 1,200 lbs.
Well it doesn't matter what breed your horse is, the average age to ride horses is between 3 to 20 years of age but if your horse has any medical problems like arthritis it might not be able to be ridden as long.
Usually either an 80 or an 82
Information about Honda GoKarts available in the following websites: Gokarts USA, eBay, Kaxamotos and some videos about Honda GoKarts are available on youtube.
It is difficult to quantify the horsepower a person can generate as it depends on various factors such as strength, fitness level, and technique. However, on average, a person can generate around 0.1 to 0.2 horsepower.
6.5 horse power on average
5 or 6 hp.
it has fore weles
425 hp
yes. i race gokarts
ofcourse horse ..........the engine power or any power we measure today we do it in terms of horse power and not wolf power ......
You can conservatively add between 8 and 15 horsepower on average.
It has 1001 horse power
the base horse power for a ktm adventure is 100 horse power
11.00 Horse Power