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Geup 급 (aka: "gup" or "kup") = grade

The Korean word 급 has been incorrectly translated into English a "gup" or "kup" and is still written this way by many instructors of Korean Martial Art (Taekwondo, Tangsudo, Hapkido), but it is more accurately translated as "geup." It can indicate a level of progression as in a "class," "grade," or "degree." It is used in most Korean Martial Art systems to refer to the color belt "grade" level of a student as opposed to a "Dan" (degree) of the Black Belt.

This term is basically equivalent to the Japanese term "Kyu," which was the distinction between student and expert levels of Martial Art as designed for Judo by its founder, Dr. Jigoro Kano. Subsequently, other Japanese Martial Art schools, such as Kara-te and Karate-Do, began to adopt similar belt ranking systems of "Kyu" and "Dan." During the later part of the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910 - 1945), Korean's were only permitted to openly study Japanese Martial Art systems such as Jujutsu, Judo, Aikijutsu, Aikido, and Karate-Do. Although some traditions of former Korean Martial Art (Subak, Tae Kkyeon/Taek Kyon, Hwarang) were passed on in secret, none of the traditional Korean Martial Art training utilized a rank structure for advancement.

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