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Q: What is a Budweiser collector plate worth?
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What is the value of Budweiser collector plate from 1990 titled Buddies?

The value of a Budweiser collector plate from 1991 titled six Pack is $12 to $15.

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Budweiser Clydesdales are worth a fortune. Budweiser Clydesdale horses cost $10,000.00 ( 10 thousand dollars ).

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Budweiser Clydesdales are worth a fortune. Budweiser Clydesdale horses cost $10,000.00 ( 10 thousand dollars ).

How much is an Earnhardt vs Earnhardt Budweiser Shootout at Daytona poster in mint condition worth?

Hello, I have sold several of these from $75.00 to $150.00.

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Why do they draft at the Budweiser Shootout race?

Because it is still a restrictor plate race. Knowing how to use the draft is necessary for success at plate tracks.

What are Danbury Mint Hummel Plates for the years 1985-1989 worth?

The price of plates go up and down. A bit like the stock market. For a collector of plates there is a collectors book that lists plates by maker, year, and name of the plate. The book shows the purchase price of the plate and the secondary market value of the plate. eBay can also give an approximate current value of the plate. Plate prices are determined by what the buyer/collector will pay.

How do you find the value of the Annie Collector's Plate Series?

AnnIe collectors plate

How much is the Johnson Bros Fish rare no 6 eel plate worth?

One is listed on EBay as sold in Melbourne for $60 AUD. I have seen it suggested by a collector as being worth 6 times what the others in the series are worth