You get a bloody nose. The cartilage may get broken. And your eyes will probably water pretty badly. You may end up with black eyes.
Contrary to the popular myth, one cannot 'drive' the cartilage into the brain and kill anyone.
Symptoms of a severe concussion, go see a doctor immediately.
It sends a ratio active wave in the aiqr
Flood happens at a place where water bodies overflow. When this happens it makes a flood and then it can move houses and the houses can hit other houses are people also kill them or hurt them really bad.
P-waves hit, followed by S-waves, followed by surface waves.
No. Areas hit by a tsunami usually see the ocean recede a few minutes beforehand.
if you tend to hit them alot in the nose it can make them stop breathing
I didn't hit my nose but it just started bleeding. It happens before but it was a year ago. Help??? Many people have spontaneous nose bleeds, sometimes blood vessels get close to the surface and rupture with a sneeze, if it happens often or the bleeding wont stop right away you should see your doctor, a cancer of your sinuses can also do that so consulting your doctor should really be in order.
You wont have a nose ;)
your nose will get infected
You get a licoricy nose.
It either means to hit someone on their nose, or if it's an idiom, it means to hit something dead on, or to get something exactly right.
you will have a nose block
Jalan Big Nose a caboot nose
if you hit it very hard, yes
u probably got hit in the nose
The referee missed the call along with the hit on tight end Heath Miller. It happens.
hit it on the nose