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The "Animals" are an offshoot of Chinese Kung Fu. The five ancestors are the Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake and Dragon. Each animal is a different fighting style.

The Tiger (Hung Gar Kung Fu) is known for his ferocity, agility and power. Practitioners of Tiger Style Kung Fu are known for their powerful strikes and acrobatic leaps.

The Crane is known for his precision, evasion, and countering attacks with strikes to vulnerable areas, or pressure points (eyes, philtrum etc.)

The Leopard is known for his overwhelming speed and his intelligence. He is patient and knows the perfect time to strike. It is a hybrid of crane and tiger styles, using the speed and power of the tiger and the evasive agility of the crane.

The Snake is known for pure fluidity and the exploitation of angles in combat. He knows how to deflect blows and respond by using the power behind the blow against the enemy. The snake practitioner also uses power of knowledge of sensitive pressure points to incapacitate or kill an enemy.

The Dragon is the culmination of many different styles. It uses reptilian fluidity combined with extreme power to thoroughly incapacitate opponents. Dragon style is unique in that it melds internal, or soft Martial Arts and external, or hard martial arts.

All these are Southern styles, meaning they use less acrobatic leaps and aerial kicks and focus on short, powerful strikes. Southern Kung Fu artists are known for using power generated by the lower half of the body to strike with their entire mass behind them.

Animal forms derived from the five ancestors include:

Bear, Monkey, Deer, Praying Mantis, Horse, Cobra, Bull, Wolf, Boar, Eagle, Python, Scorpion, Elephant, Lion, Frog, Duck, Dog, Crow, Tiger Cub, Chicken, Hawk, Turtle, Swallow, Lizard

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