This is for Shaolin Kempo so this is basically Shaolin Chuan Fa (basically the same)
Ranking in order:
Blue 1st degree
Green 1st degree
brown 1st degree
brown 2nd degree
brown 3rd degree
Black 1st degree
Black 2nd degree
Black 3rd degree
Black 4th degree
Kung fu doesnt use belts it uses sashes. They follow the same color as karate.
Kung fu comes from China. Shaolin monks teach real kung fu there.
Some think the oldest for of Kung Fu is called Sua Chao (sp?) a Mongolian form of kung fu.
he is the grand master of kung fu in Afghanistan and Pakistan and also the founder of kung fu to Afghanistan and Pakistan
well China is known for kung fu probally the most. but i know quite a few places in the U.S that practice kung fu i catually live in the U.S and i practice kung fu. i have been for 9 years.
Kung fu doesnt use belts it uses sashes. They follow the same color as karate.
Each kung fu place has a different ranking system (well, some are the same). The things they have in common though are that white belt is always first and black is always last. At different schools the belt color order are a little different. There is no way to tell you all of the different ways kung fu ranks the belts. I can tell you that my kung fu class starts with white, yellow, orange, green, blue...
Pandas know kung fu only in the Kung Fu Pandauniverse.
Kung fu comes from China. Shaolin monks teach real kung fu there.
My Kung Fu was created in 2004.
kung fu warriors
kung fu fighting
I love kung fu movies!
The only old tv show I know of that featured kung fu was, in fact, Kung Fu, starring David Carridine.
It is Kung fu-tzu or Kung fu-tse. The modern and more widely used romanization variant is Kong Fuzi.
Some think the oldest for of Kung Fu is called Sua Chao (sp?) a Mongolian form of kung fu.
Normally kung fu will not be capitalized. If you are referring to a specific style, such as White Crane Kung Fu, you would capitalize all the words. Or if referring to the the television show Kung Fu.