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Yes math is used in ufc because thay need to add the wins and sudtrat the losses so that thay can tell if he's a good fighter exactly what calculations are used to dertermine the plus and minuses in fighting competitons

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Angles are part of math and angles helps you aim your punch or kick at your opponents correctly.

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How much ufc pays Harley Davidson?

It is the other way round. Harley Davidson is a sponsor for the UFC and they pay UFC to have their logos displayed during UFC events and for commentators to refer to them by name during the event. If Harley does not pay UFC, UFC will not allow their advertisement banners to be used in their events. If someone can offer more money than what Harley does, UFC will display their logos instead. The actual amount of money Harley pays UFC is unknown.

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One can purchase UFC Undisputed in GameStop. In addition, one can purchase UFC Undisputed in Amazon or eBay, which sells both new and used game disks.

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Kimbo Slice is no longer part of the UFC roster. He used to fight in the UFC but left them in 2010. He is currently a professional boxer. He had only one fight in the UFC which he lost. The fight was at UFC 113 against Matt Mitrione which he lost by TKO. He did not fight for UFC again after that.

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k1 used to be.UFC never

What were the music used by UFC at the weigh ins?

Frank Klepacki

What was ufc originally referred to as?

UFC has always been UFC

Where might one go online to purchase UFC DVD's?

If one is looking to purchase authentic UFC gloves the best option for selection and authenticity would be directly from the UFC store website. These gloves are also available from Amazon and Ebay.

Was the UFC fighter forest griffin a teacher?

Forrest was not a teacher, Rich Franklin was.

Is shotokan karate allowed in UFC?

Any form of martial art can be used in UFC. As long as you don't use any illegal techniques it doesn't matter.

How is math used in math?

math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it

Which is more dangerous boxing or UFC?

ufc becaue in ufc there is mixed but in boxing there isnt.