It is totally stupid to ride karts anywhere without a helmet, legal or not.
You can ride a Pocket bike, but just not on the street. You can only ride on private property or in parking lots. It is illegal to ride one on the street and is not safe because they are not road worthy, having minimal to no lights, and a very low top speed, leading to a possibility of getting ran over by an SUV. So it is fine, as long as you stay off of the street.
You must unlock the following minigames: Air Farce, Fun Run, Track & Yield, Pokey Pummel, Target Tag, Monty's Revenge, Take Me Ohm, Kart Wheeled, Snow Ride, and Helipopper.
There is a jaws ride at universal studios Orlando
Superstar Limo is the dumbest stupidest lamest ride in the history of disneyland
Its illegal to ride bike on side walks. But if you want to, then you can ride but slowly taking care of pedestrians.
You're supposed to ride your bicycle on the pavement. Typically, riding on sidewalks is illegal.
no you dont but you cant ride them on the streets or sidewalks its illegal but its legal to ride them in parking lots and backyards
Where I live it is against the law to ride a bicycle on the sidewalks day or night.
Yes it is legal in Idaho to ride a Pocket Bike under 50cc on sidewalks.
No it is not legal to ride a mini dirt bike on sidewalks in New Jersey. In some states it is legal to ride mini dirt bikes on sidewalks.
you must be 12 or older to operrate one period and its illegal to ride on public property including streets and sidewalks
You can not ride a go kart on the sidewalk in Michigan.
Generally, riding a vehicle on any sidewalk is illegal in most places. More than likely, you will need to ride it on private property, either your own or someone else's with their permission. If you don't have that, then you'd need to transport it (in a trailer or truck bed) to a track or other suitable place.
No, it is not illegal for a person or persons to ride in the back of a pickup truck in Alabama. Other states where it is legal are Iowa, Idaho, and Alaska.
can you ride a goped legally in the state of florida