You take them out because if you keep them in and have a mouth guard in the denture cuts your mouth all up.
yes earthworms have a mouth. How do you expect they eat?
32 = T in an A M 32 Teeth in an Adult Mouth
· crotch · eyelash · mouth · stomach · teeth · thigh
No, not at all unless your gums are infected and there not taken care of. That can cause more than just Heart Disease. That can cause Lung Disease and Mouth Cancer aswell.
i would have to say if she were a real person, then yes she would have teeth, the painting is vague about her teeth
A mouth guard
Mouth Piece, its used as a guard for your teeth.
A grind guard, or a mouth guard that is used for sports would be fine too, and probably cheaper
no that would cause so much mouth fungi
Yes i have used a mouth guard many times before these come in very handy when you play hockey or rugby so as not to get your teeth knocked out !
His upper left tooth is missing and as such there is a false tooth that is spreading across his mouth.
George Washington wore false teeth because he didn't have teeth but just a few left. George Washington wasn't also satisfy with his teeth either.
Mouth guards are made of durable plastic - and they line the top set of teeth - NOT to keep the teeth from being knocked out - you can still have a tooth knocked out with mouth guard - but instead - a mouth guard stops the lower mandable (jaw bone) from being rammed int the upper mandable - hard enough to cause a knockout. However you STILL can be knocked out with a mouth guard - as most boxers know. It is also used sothat teeth do NOT break against each other - when you are hit from below the lower mandable - going up. Mouth guards were originally made by/for boxers!
There are some llamas that like to chew on you, but it will not hurt you because they only have teeth on the bottom of their mouth. Males do have sharp fighting teeth in the back of their mouth.
Dentures is a term that refers to false teeth. When you have troubles with your teeth, and have them all pulled, you have the option (wise choice) to have dentures or false teeth made to fit your mouth properly. It is difficult for others to notice the difference between dentures and your own regular teeth.