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Q: How many people have died from lawn darts?
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Related questions

What are some examples of lawn games?

There are hundreds of fun lawn games. Some examples include croquet, bowls, lawn darts, and horseshoes. Many larger games can also be modified to be lawn games, such as soccer or football.

How many people swallow blowgun darts?

The ones wiith the hiccups.

How many darts do the stampede shoot?

it shoots 60 darts!

Why is archery a sport but darts is not?

i think because archery was played by knights to help them practise aiming many years ago so mabey they classed it as a sport. darts though i think its because not many people play it or mabey they class darts as a form of archery.

How many darts is there on the Nerf raider?

The Raider can hold up to 35 darts, and comes with 35 darts.

How many people die from lawn mowers?


How many darts does the Nerf mavrick fire?

The Nerf Mavrick fires all of the darts apart from Glow in the Dark so that is The Whistler Darts, Dart Tag Darts, Clip System Darts, Streamline Darts and Suction Darts.

How many darts does the Nerf bandolier come with?

24 clip system darts

How many darts does the NERF Firefly come with?

eight suction glow darts

How many people in the world play darts?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as there is no centralized database for dart players worldwide. However, darts is a popular recreational and competitive sport played by millions of people around the world.

How do you get NOT old darts?

Many billiards supply stores also sell darts and darts supplies. Also many darts pubs have a display case with a small selection in or near their darts area. You can also find a small selection of better-than-brass darts at chain stores like Academy Sports and Outdoors. There are quite a few online darts supplies retailers, such as A-Z Darts; check out the ads in Bulls Eye News magazine.

How many darts per second dose the stampede shoot?

4 darts per second