An interim means an interval.
There was a brief interim in the meeting while everyone got organized.
How to use the word in a sentence.
The dress she was wearing at the party was absolutely exquisite!
Yes, in sentence such as'I want to go to the hospital'
The superlative degree of word sincere can be most sincere ,or sincerest according to its use in the sentence.
The word 'in' would be a preposition in the example sentence you gave.
The interim mayor did a good job while he was in office.
When the embezzling treasurer was arrested, Jim stepped in to act as interim, until a new treasurer could be elected.
The root word of "interim" is the Latin word "interim," which means "meanwhile" or "in the meantime."
In the interim of the teacher's absence, we had a substitute teacher.
The word "interim" does not have a standard prefix or suffix. It is a standalone word that means temporary or in the meantime.
Mrs. Foster will be out for 6 weeks on maternity leave and Mr. Hamilton will be your teacher in the interim.
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
Since that is not a word I would not attempt to use it in a sentence.
You just did use the word colonize in a sentence.