By mushing and crunching together. By mushing and crunching together.
PVA glues will stick paper, cardboard and wood.
Stick them together with superglue
Lacrosse balls are made out of rubber.
Of course you can but it depends on the shaft type if it'll stick or not. If it's a plexi-glass harrow stick then yes it will but if it's a metal warrior stick then It might get washed away next time it rains, so pick your paints carefully to select a few that are water-proof. Also, why not just get a colored shaft?
you do it
It is better to hit with your hands together on your stick. When ever i hit with my shoulder people go flying, but it is easier to get called. so it is safer to hit with your hands.
3 pints.
At the start and after a goal of each lacrosse game, there is a faceoff. This is where 2 players put their sticks on the ground with the ball in the middle and fight for the ball
Here is a lacrosse stick charm-
a lacrosse stick.
With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball
What ever hand feels more comfortable to you.
well, i put about 6 inches on the bottom and top and a ring where i like to put my hand when i pass
Put the ball in your stick, make your stick eye level. & see if you can see some of the ball over the head of your lacrosse stick. Meaning, that the whole ball is not completely inside the whole stick. If it is inside the whole head of your stick, you need to tighten your netting.
A girls Lacrosse stick should be about as long as your arms and fingers.