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its pretty simple. I start with the side walls first and do those as usual except start with the top diamond on each side. This will give you about an inch gap and you can do the iriquois top string.

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15y ago

Use the instruction booklet. You sould have to put the net onto the spoon part then connect the spoon to the stick.

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Q: How do you put a lacrosse stick together?
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Is it better to hit with your hands together on a lacrosse stick or with your shoulder in lacrosse?

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3 pints.

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Here is a lacrosse stick charm-

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What hand do you put on top of the stick when playing lacrosse?

What ever hand feels more comfortable to you.

How can you tape your lacrosse stick?

well, i put about 6 inches on the bottom and top and a ring where i like to put my hand when i pass

A field game with a netted stick?


What does a legal girls lacrosse stick pocket look like?

Put the ball in your stick, make your stick eye level. & see if you can see some of the ball over the head of your lacrosse stick. Meaning, that the whole ball is not completely inside the whole stick. If it is inside the whole head of your stick, you need to tighten your netting.

How should a lacrosse stick should be?

A girls Lacrosse stick should be about as long as your arms and fingers.