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It is very hard you need four small wheels then a lawn mower moter then a stearing wheel and some pedles you need a welding michanie a base out of fiber glass and wire then you need to weld it all to gether

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16y ago
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13y ago

To build a go kart (the gravity powered kind) you need wood, 4 wheels of some type (lawnmower wheels work great!), some hardware, and a length of rope. you build the frame out of 2x8s that are each 5 feet long, use 3 of these. for steering, you get a 2x4, put an i bolt at each end, and tie the ends of rope to the i bolts. to mount this on the frame, you drill a hole in the center of the frame in the front and drill a hole in the 2x4. make sure the 2x4 is centered before drilling holes. to mount the wheels you will need something for the axles. you can use 3/4 inch PVC pipe with a wooden stick in it, but that isn't very sturdy and will eventually break. for a very sturdy axle, use a thick steel rod. to mount the wheels, put the wheel on the steel rod, and mark two spots on both sides of the wheel on the steel rod. then put the rod in a vise and drill holes through the steel rod where you made your marks. these holes will be where the pins go through. to mount the axle on the steering mechanism (I know I probably spelled that wrong, but you get the idea), you get some u bolts and mount the axle using them. not too tight because it needs to turn. to mount the front wheel assembly on the frame, you get a carriage bolt and put it though the two holes you drilled earlier. put washers in the spots where the wood touch so that the wood doesn't touch. to make the back wheel assembly, you do the same thing as you did with the front but don't make a steering assembly. then mount it on the frame. the go kart is pretty much done now. you can make a seat out of an old plastic chair that you can probably garbage pick from somewhere and just cut the legs off with a hack saw. if you want the seat to be mounted and not free, run a few bolts through the bottom of the seat (where your butt goes) and mount it on the frame. if you can't find a chair, just get a couple pieces of wood and put them together at a 90 degree angle or less of you don't want to be completely upright. then mount that on a good spot on the frame. then use some screws to put a pillow where you will sit and do the same on the back part where your back goes. now it's time for a test run!!!!! take the go kart to the nearest hill and have someone push you until gravity does the rest!!! Have fun and be careful. even if it doesn't have a motor you can still mess yourself up pretty bad

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16y ago

I have built a solar go-kart. I purchased an electric go-kart for about $200, built a fiberglass support structure to hold the solar panel on top. A Sharp, 165 watt solar module was mounted on top. You can see a picture of it at: This go-kart has been drive by approximetaly 1,000 fourth graders in the Wenatchee School District in Washington state. I also put on a solar drag race each June. More information can be found at:

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13y ago

lets see well youll need a sheet of metal and lots of pipe solid so that preaty much it youl need to weld it all to geather how ever your idea is but be sure to not use a go kart engin never unless u wont to just drive on street but off road use u a lawn moar or use a mid small dirt bike like Yamaha or Honda there best take the compartments off and dis mount the engin cut the wires and wen your done with that and the frame you need to hook it up it took me and my lit cuz 2weeks to make an awd offroad standard with revs lifted mudn bad@zz buggy youll need prty much every thing a cars go mirz breaks lights strng wheel every thing

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16y ago

Here are a couple of sites that might help you:

* How to Build a Go-Cart Frame

Electric motor or gas engine; Car battery; 4 wheel tires of good quality ... If you would like to build a go cart frame, but would like to use a trusted ...


* Easy build low cost kids electric go kart

The chassis is made of wood and we power our go kartwith a couple of modified second hand windscreen wiper motors. Electrical systems are simple and ...


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16y ago

With great difficulty. You need a whole new front axle assembly, a new gearbox with power outtake for the front axle and a transmission linking it to the front axle assembly.

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14y ago

by racing and then apply for doing it and then you could be a pro at go karting..!

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ALL you have to do is SUCK your own DICK. haha

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You can find a gokart when you have done a mission in Los Santos. I don't know the name of this mission. you can do this mission after you done missions in Las venturas. I know that you must chase up OG Loc with an vortex and then with a gokart. after this mission a gokart can be find at maddogs mansion , behind Zero's shop , Angel Pine ,... And a vortex can be find in las venturas at the hotel called 'mens in pants' or something. its behind the ship.

What is the best pipe to build a gokart?

3/4 inch steel pipe if making a strong double layer frame.

How fast will a 10 hp gokart go?

Depending on if your engine has a restriction or a set speed, you can go as fast as 55 to 65 miles a hour.

What is the purpose of a governor on a dirt bike?

The same purpose for a govenor on a quad or a gokart. to give it the speed you want on it and no have it go fast to where you cant handle it.

What is the cheat for the gokart on san Andres?

once you have driven one in a mission there is alway one availiable at the back door of Madd dogs cribb

How do you put an engine on a regular go kart?

u start by putting the engine on the gokart then its should have 4 bolts on the bottom u screw them on with a Allen wrench